File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 07-12-1996 198 Kb. 8
QBSP - Utilities for OS/2 v. 0.98b Compiled
for Pentium and Pentium Pro. You need this files
to make Quake BSP-files. There are some bugs
been fixed. 
332 03-07-1999 60 Kb. 8
Classic DOS game ported to OS/2. 
333 01-09-1997 8252 Kb. 9
A collection of maps for Quake. 
334 23-05-1995 558 Kb. 8
Quick Quiz for Kids 95/05/09. Quick Quiz for
Kids. This is the full version with sound files.
If you do not have a sound card, dowload QQ1Q.ZI
P instead. 
335 09-05-1995 19 Kb. 10
Quick Quiz for Kids (No Sound) 95/05/09. Quick
Quiz for Kids. This is the basic version without
sound. If you have a sound card, download QQ1.ZI
P instead as it is more fun. 
336 28-06-1997 35 Kb. 9
QuakeSpy/2 is a utility that lists response
time, number of players, rules, etc playing
on a running Quake server. 
337 20-04-1997 85 Kb. 9
Qstat - get statistics from Quake servers. 
338 01-04-1997 193 Kb. 10
The famous game version 1.01 for IBM OS/2 v4.0,
needs previously installed DOS version 
339 26-06-1996 2 Kb. 9
Package of Quake Object that allows Quake to
run seamlessly under OS/2. Requires Object Deskt
op 1.5 to unpackage. 
340 30-09-2000 1170 Kb. 7
( RetroArcade Emulator for
OS/2 version Alpha 5 with MGL support.(executabl
e only). 

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