File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 03-07-1996 26 Kb. 9
PM Lines is a small logical game. 
312 20-02-1989 15 Kb. 9
PM maze game, version 1A (2/89) 
313 01-06-1991 24 Kb. 9
Fun Mine game similar to the Windows Winmine
game from the Entertainment Pack. 
314 08-01-1991 11 Kb. 8
plays the game of NIM, and a variation of it,
with full Help. 
315 15-06-1997 41 Kb. 9
A fairly strong Reversi/Othello game for OS/2
PM. Looking for suggestions. 
316 25-07-1993 26 Kb. 9
A version of the classic UN*X game "robots"
for the OS/2 Presentation Manager. Smiley is
chased, and you need to help him avoid the Kille
r Robots. 
317 11-11-1995 670 Kb. 9
OS/2 version of Satellite. PM Satellite/2 is
PM-game that trains your brain before your trigg
er finger. 
318 25-06-1991 8 Kb. 9
PM tic tac toe 
319 11-10-1996 83 Kb. 9
Pmworms v1.1 is a new version of a classic game. 
320 25-07-1996 114 Kb. 9
PM War Over Villages v1.0a is a PM Game allowing
users to play war games against other players
or against the computer. 

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