File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 26

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
251 29-03-1999 175 Kb. 7
Moon Play beta 2. A wave player with extented
loop functionality.  
252 03-04-1991 253 Kb. 6
The Dungeons of Moria brought to OS/2. No source
code included. 
253 28-03-1998 1157 Kb. 9
MASTERROIDS is a shoot'em-up game running as
PM-program for up to four players. You are flyin
g a spacecraft and have to destroy comets, fight
against aliens and grab extras. 
254 28-01-2000 182 Kb. 10
MAMERun beta 5 frontend for MAME. MAMERun is
a full featured PM front-end for the DOS version
of MAME.  Requires RexxUtil. 
255 20-03-1990 118 Kb. 10
MSJ Vol 5 No 2 Source Code Checkers etc. 
256 10-03-1996 24 Kb. 9
Yet annother mine sweeper for OS/2 PM.  But
this one has Rocks, bombs that must be defused
and a gopher! Allows cheating.  
257 13-06-1990 72 Kb. 9
OS/2 VTrek DOOR for MaxOS2 w/source 
258 mystwk.txt 19-01-1995 2 Kb. 79
What has worked to get Myst to work under OS/2.
Myst does work under OS/2, it is just a pain
to make it so. Here is what worked for this
user, and others. What parameters, what files,
what hardware, etc. 
259 neko111b.lzh 10-07-1990 29 Kb. 76
Updated Neko-the-cat. Cat chases mouse pointer
around the screen. 
260 15-04-1997 260 Kb. 10
OS/2 client for Netrek networked game (requires

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