File index of OS2SWBBS: Games page 16

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
151 16-02-1995 94 Kb. 14
Okay you GalCiv destroyers, here is the ultimate
challenge! If you can beat this and send proof
that you legitimately beat it we'll give you
a free copy of Shipyards if you're the first
to do it. 
152 04-05-1996 67 Kb. 14
Galactic Civilizations 2 - (Scenario). 
153 10-09-1995 14 Kb. 11
patch GalCiv to give you unlimited funds. 
154 17-12-1993 168 Kb. 12
Generic Game Interface (Source included) needed
for Wizard of Wor 1.1, Boulder-Dash 1.0. This
zip contains DLLs and EXEs to build a configurat
ion for the above games. 
155 22-01-1999 2302 Kb. 12
GL-Cube v2.0 Try to solve the cube in the shorte
st amount of time possible. Billions of wrong
combinations but only one correct one! You can
play by yourself, against another person, or
get the computer to solve automatically.  
156 03-11-1998 54 Kb. 10
Game (3D, OpenGL) 
157 03-11-1998 88 Kb. 12
Game (3D, OpenGL) 
158 03-11-1998 113 Kb. 9
Game (3D,OpenGL) 
159 03-11-1998 107 Kb. 9
Game (3D, OpenGL) 
160 22-03-1994 18 Kb. 11
The Ancient Game of Go 

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