File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 13-06-1996 151 Kb. 11
'Bolton Bold' is a lettering face with a period,
turn-of- the-century look. It is based loosely
on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat more round
ed off in design. 
42 13-06-1996 146 Kb. 12
'Bolton Bold Italic' is a lettering face with
a period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 
43 13-06-1996 209 Kb. 12
'Bolton Drop Caps' is a lettering face with
a period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 
44 13-06-1996 147 Kb. 14
'Bolton Elongated' is a lettering face with
a period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 
45 13-06-1996 144 Kb. 13
'Bolton Italic' is a lettering face with a perio
d, turn-of- the-century look. It is based loosel
y on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat more
rounded off in design. 
46 13-06-1996 207 Kb. 13
'Bolton Italic Outline' is a lettering face
with a period, turn-of- the-century look. It
is based loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is
somewhat more rounded off in design. 
47 13-06-1996 144 Kb. 14
'Bolton Light' is a lettering face with a period
, turn-of- the-century look. It is based loosely
on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat more round
ed off in design. 
48 13-06-1996 142 Kb. 12
'Bolton Light Italic' is a lettering face with
a period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 
49 13-06-1996 295 Kb. 14
'Bolton Outline' is a lettering face with a
period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 
50 13-06-1996 296 Kb. 11
'Bolton Shadowed' is a lettering face with a
period, turn-of- the-century look. It is based
loosely on Kleuken's Antiqua, but is somewhat
more rounded off in design. 

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