File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 30

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
291 verdana.exe 29-04-1998 165 Kb. 22
Verdana font, from Microsoft. Sans-serif truetyp
e font. For Windows 3.1. Works with Win-OS2,
can also be used under Warp 4.0. 
292 20-09-1991 20 Kb. 10
Victoria's Secret - Adobe type 1 font.  For
OS/2 1.3 and above.  
293 25-07-1991 21 Kb. 10
ATM Font - VireoFont 
294 05-05-2002 2 Kb. 9
Seven Icons for special functions on the WPS(Apr
., 28th 1999) 
295 12-06-1991 24 Kb. 9
Wedgie 3-D wedge capitals  OS/2 1.3 postscript
296 23-10-1991 39 Kb. 6
ATM Font - Western 
297 19-06-1993 78 Kb. 10
ATM Font - UpperWestSide 
298 07-03-1993 48 Kb. 7
ATM Font - Greek/Hebrew Typefaces 
299 wileg_t1.exe 30-01-1999 144 Kb. 16
Willegha Plain ATM T1 shareware fonts from Match
Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use ATM
Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 
300 wileg_tt.exe 30-01-1999 126 Kb. 20
Willegha Plain TrueType shareware fonts from
Match Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use
ATM Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 

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