File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 27

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
261 16-07-1991 49 Kb. 8
ShowBoat- Showboat highly decorative Adobe Type
1 Font.  Requires OS/2 1.3 or later. (Replaces
previous upload.)  
262 24-06-1996 58 Kb. 9
"Shrewsbury" is a font created by crossing a
black letter form with a Roman one. 
263 24-06-1996 80 Kb. 8
"Shrewsbury Bold" is a font created by crossing
a black letter form with a Roman one. 
264 24-06-1996 62 Kb. 9
"Shrewsbury Condensed" is a font created by
crossing a black letter form with a Roman one. 
265 24-06-1996 56 Kb. 8
"Shrewsbury Condensed Bold" is a font created
by crossing a black letter form with a Roman
266 24-06-1996 58 Kb. 9
"Shrewsbury Titling" is a font created by crossi
ng a black letter form with a Roman one. 
267 24-06-1996 81 Kb. 10
"Shrewsbury Titling Bold" is a font created
by crossing a black letter form with a Roman
268 silbo_t1.exe 30-01-1999 105 Kb. 23
SilBooettes ATM T1 shareware fonts from Match
Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use ATM
Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 
269 silbo_tt.exe 30-01-1999 101 Kb. 22
SilBooettes TrueType shareware fonts from Match
Fonts. For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use ATM
Fonts, or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp
3 and OS/2 v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts. 
270 13-06-1996 141 Kb. 8
"Simplicity" is yet another set of 'Olde English
' styled drop caps. 

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