File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 18-05-1994 180 Kb. 11
Modernist Typo/2 is like Bernhard Modern, but
the Typo/2 fonts contain the typographic charact
ers you've missed in the ASCII environment. 
202 18-01-1990 51 Kb. 11
A type 3 postscript font.  Interesting dingbats.
 use copy /b mortbats.pfa lpt1 to download to
your postscript printer  
203 nahkt_t1.exe 29-01-1999 105 Kb. 27
Nahkt ATM T1 shareware fonts from Match Fonts.
For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use ATM Fonts,
or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp 3 and OS/2
v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts.  
204 nahkt_tt.exe 29-01-1999 100 Kb. 27
Nahkt TrueType shareware fonts from Match Fonts.
For OS/2, Warp 4 can directly use ATM Fonts,
or TrueType. Previous versions (Warp 3 and OS/2
v2.2) can use only ATM Type 1 fonts.  
205 14-06-1996 264 Kb. 11
"New Style" is based on Goudy's New Style design
206 ns_rfont.exe 23-10-1997 301 Kb. 27
Cyrillic Type 1 fonts for KOI-8 and Codepage
1251 (self-extracting archive.)  
207 14-06-1996 155 Kb. 10
"New Style Light" is based on Goudy's New Style
208 14-06-1996 145 Kb. 11
"New Style Light Italic" is based on Goudy's
New Style design. 
209 14-06-1996 238 Kb. 11
"New Style Small Caps" is based on Goudy's New
Style design. 
210 14-06-1996 165 Kb. 11
"New Style Small Caps Bold" is based on Goudy's
New Style design. 

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