File index of OS2SWBBS: ATM Font Files page 19

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
181 12-06-1991 28 Kb. 10
Lemiesz Mezozoic OS/2 1.3 postscript font. 
Decorative capitals.  
182 14-06-1996 43 Kb. 12
"Lewisham" is based on the lettering from a
turn of the century advertisment for Lewis's
a well known chain of outfitter's in Britain.
Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothic. 
183 14-06-1996 44 Kb. 12
"Lewisham Bold" is based on the lettering from
a turn of the century advertisment for Lewis's
a well known chain of outfitter's in Britain.
Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothic. 
184 14-06-1996 43 Kb. 10
"Lewisham Condensed" is based on the lettering
from a turn of the century advertisment for
Lewis's a well known chain of outfitter's in
Britain. Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothi
185 14-06-1996 66 Kb. 11
"Lewisham Shadowed" is based on the lettering
from a turn of the century advertisment for
Lewis's a well known chain of outfitter's in
Britain. Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothi
186 14-06-1996 86 Kb. 11
"Lewisham Shadowed II" is based on the lettering
from a turn of the century advertisment for
Lewis's a well known chain of outfitter's in
Britain. Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothi
187 14-06-1996 240 Kb. 10
"Lewisham Stripe" is based on the lettering
from a turn of the century advertisment for
Lewis's a well known chain of outfitter's in
Britain. Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothi
188 14-06-1996 51 Kb. 12
"Lewisham Drop Caps" is based on the lettering
from a turn of the century advertisment for
Lewis's a well known chain of outfitter's in
Britain. Very like Engraver or Copperplate Gothi
189 20-07-1991 16 Kb. 11
Livia- "Old Roman" decorative font named after
wife of Caesar Agustus.  Adobe Type 1 Font.
 Requires OS/2 1.3 or later.  
190 16-07-1991 53 Kb. 12
LowerEastSide- Font looks like nailed planks
of wood. Adobe Type 1 Font.  Requires OS/2 1.3
or later.  

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