File index of OS2SWBBS: Fixes & Patches from other Vendors page 40

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
391 17-03-1997 1530 Kb. 7
New CDS For Unimaint. Update to earlier upload
which had a couple of typos in the README.NOW
file. This brings the code level of Unimaint
to 5.00.29. Read the README.NOW file before
applying the CSD. 
392 01-08-1997 1754 Kb. 7
July 31, 1997 CSD for UniMaint v5.0 (upgrades
to v5.00.40).  
393 y5098133.txt 07-07-1998 12 Kb. 36
List of changes for Unimaint Y5098133.CSD. List
of the changes from version 5.00.40. 
394 20-05-1998 1506 Kb. 7
New CSD for Unimaint Y5098133. CSD brings the
code level to 5.00.61. See y5098133.TXT for
a complete list of changes. 
395 15-03-1999 1365 Kb. 6
Softouch UniMaint v5 CSD, v5.00.65, CSD Level:
396 06-07-1994 29 Kb. 6
PIPCISB.DLL V1.20 - Compuserve File Transfer
for ZOC This DLL should fix the problems, some
people encountered in ZOC using the Compuserve
B file transfer protocol. 
397 01-07-1994 3 Kb. 7
Patch for Trantor T-358 OS/2 Drivers & Zenith
ZNote. This file explains the problem and suppli
es patches for two extent T358SCSI.ADD versions.
User supplied, not a Trantor/Adaptec supplied

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