File index of OS2SWBBS: Fixes & Patches from other Vendors page 22

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
211 26-05-1996 318 Kb. 7
Upgrade Livewire v3.2 to v3.21. 
212 01-07-2003 2631 Kb. 7
A fix of MAIN123W.DLL for some problems with
the new Excel import filters and some other
stuff. Only use for LSS v1.7.1. Under LSS v1.7
it will break 1-2-3(Nov 5 2002) 
213 27-09-1994 4 Kb. 7
Patch MITFX001.ADD ver 1.00 and 1.05 for any
base address. 
214 05-07-1994 1 Kb. 7
A minor patch for the DCF/2 version 1.2 shutdown
dcf2shut.dll. If your system indicates a beep
or timing inconsistency when running DCF/2 Versi
on 1.2 and OS/2 MMPM/2, download this file. 
215 15-10-1996 44 Kb. 7
Patch to update BA2 to the look and feel of
Merlin(Warp 4.0). Downloaded from the internet
216 31-01-1996 59 Kb. 7
MSR Backmaster CSD #3.  Patch files for ver
217 09-09-1993 121 Kb. 8
Patch for MS Visual C/C++ V1.0 from Phar Lap;
allows command-line operation under OS/2 2.1. 
218 31-01-1995 4 Kb. 7
95/01/31. Fix to get Myst running under Warp. 
219 09-03-1995 5 Kb. 8
Text file describing how to run Myst under OS/2
(including Warp). Also includes TIMER.DRV from
OS/2 2.11 CSD (OS/2 2.1 users will need this). 
220 03-05-1998 2 Kb. 8
Matrox Millenium (9mb) mga.mon patch. Adds the
Nanao 77F monitor to the MGA.MON file. May also
be useful for owners of other multis. mon. with
90kHz hor and 150Hz vert refr. rates or higher 

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