File index of OS2SWBBS: Fixes & Patches from other Vendors page 20

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
191 27-10-1994 837 Kb. 7
KASE:VIP v2.0 knowledge bases update (10/25/94). 
192 24-10-1994 472 Kb. 8
KASE:C++ v2.1 knowledge bases update (10/25/94). 
193 07-10-1994 836 Kb. 7
KASE:VIP Oct 10th update. 
194 10-10-1994 465 Kb. 7
KASE:C++ Oct 10th update. 
195 26-10-1994 93 Kb. 6
KASE:C++ KWCLASS.DLL & source file update (10/27
196 18-11-1992 7 Kb. 7
November '92 patches for NetWare Lite v1.1 
197 01-07-2003 671 Kb. 7
L14EXCEL.DLL that fixes a problem that occurs
when you create an empty worksheet in LSS v1.7.1
and to save the worksheet as an Microsoft Excel
file, so 1-2-3 crashes(Nov 7 2002) 
198 21-02-1994 95 Kb. 6
Patch to LinkRight 1.0 to make LinkRight cloner
1.1 beta.  Can be used to copy an OS/2 system
to another. Only people who have LinkRight 1.0
will find this patch usefull. 
199 02-09-1997 617 Kb. 8
FixKit 1 for the game Links for OS/2 by Stardock
.  Should solve the problems with SYS3175 and
SYS3176 errors that occur during startup. 
200 05-04-1993 507 Kb. 5
Fixes needed for Lotus 32 bit pgms and the SP.
Fixes problems with Alt+Home, Ctrl+Esc, and
redrawing problems within Lotus. 

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