File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 cidmaint.ann 23-07-1994 111 Kb. 80
Instructions for CID MAINT/SEDISK from HONE/ASKQ
, plus some of the fixes and additional informat
72 cidmaint.inf 23-07-1994 40 Kb. 88
INF	Version of Instructions for CID MAINT/SEDISK
from HONE/ASKQ, plus some of the fixes and addit
ional information. Issue 'VIEW CIDMAINT' on
OS/2 to Browse. 
73 16-09-1993 0 Kb. 10
To fix SQL5122 errors in DB2. It fixes SQL5122N
errors by turning off copy protection on databas
es created with Extended Services 1.0 when tryin
g to migrate to DB2. 
74 16-08-1995 186 Kb. 12
Updated CIRRUS.DLL for PC Server 500 S/390 95/08
. Fixes: Random lines drawn across OS/2 desktop
when certain video modes are run on CM/2 Session
s; & Displays containing GDDM Graphics are erase
d immediately after being drawn on CM/2 Sessions
75 clo1002.txt 12-03-1996 6 Kb. 83
CICS Client for OS/2 v1.0 csd02 info 
76 28-02-1996 1115 Kb. 15
CICS Client for OS/2 v1.0 csd02 
77 clo2001.txt 20-10-1996 2 Kb. 88
Readme file for CLO2001.ZIP. 
78 07-10-1996 1722 Kb. 15
CICS Client for OS/2 Fix Pack 01 v2.0 dated
96/09/26. PTF UN95229. 
79 18-02-1993 2 Kb. 14
OS/2 Date and Time Error Fix (for VP). 
80 cm2ap111.pkg 10-05-1996 19 Kb. 43
CM/2 1.11 APPC APAR Fixes. Applicable to WR06150 

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