Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
231 | | 13-07-2002 | 114 Kb. | 10 | A fix of HPR.DLL (Nov 29 2000) |
232 | i06200b1.dsk | 18-03-1996 | 930 Kb. | 80 | OS/2 LAN Server for Macintosh 1.0 ServicePak IP06200. Service diskette #1 3.50" 1.44MG. |
233 | | 22-05-1995 | 63 Kb. | 13 | IAK fix - FTPPM.EXE may hang system when closing the application. FTPPM.EXE doesn't switch to remote directory on login. PJ18568. PJ69330. |
234 | | 01-09-1994 | 19 Kb. | 10 | Replacement IBM1FLPY.ADD file for Warp Beta II. Fixes diskette drive problems. |
235 | | 29-01-1994 | 23 Kb. | 11 | F/W SCSI Adapter and OS/2 2.1 Fix. Contains IBM2M57.ADD and IBM2SCSI.ADD dated 1/94. |
236 | | 01-09-1994 | 3 Kb. | 11 | Replacement IBMKBD.SYS file for Warp Beta II. Fixes hang on install and 'missing special keys' bugs. |
237 | | 11-08-1992 | 60 Kb. | 9 | Fixes for IBM TCP/IP v1.21 device drivers that allow IBM TCP to use the Novell ODINSUP support. Files are without comment or support until the next official IBM TCP/IP CSD. |
238 | | 09-03-1995 | 739 Kb. | 10 | Compiler fix for BETA2 compiler. Fix to VisualAg e C++ BETA2 compiler. Required by IBM OpenDoc Forms Framework OS/2 ALPHA3, which uses the BETA2 compiler. Unload both this file and IBMODF .ZIP using PKUNZIP after you download them. |
239 | | 12-12-1996 | 573 Kb. | 9 | Fix for IBM Opalis Online 1.1 under OS/2 Warp 4.0. |
240 | | 17-04-2002 | 1705 Kb. | 12 | A fix for IBMPCL5.DRV (IBMPCl5.HLP included) - Jan., 11th 2002 |