File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 09-07-2002 17 Kb. 9
A fix of FILT.DLL as build 9.32(Jan., 1st 1999) 
202 fix001.txt 14-06-1995 0 Kb. 61
Visual Parse++ fix. This is a fix for Visual
Parse++ users. 
203 18-07-1994 205 Kb. 11
IPDSFIX4 Correct Word fix for IBM PDS 1.0. This
fix corrects a problem that might occur when
correcting words. Unzip in a scratch directory
and review the README. 
204 28-02-2002 20 Kb. 11
A fix for FIXACC.EXE(Feb., 25th 2002) 
205 16-11-1991 6 Kb. 11
Program to fix Control Panel Error w/05015 CSD.
This program should fix the Control Panel size
and positioning problem introduced by the XR0501
5 or XR05016 CSD. 
206 07-09-2002 1169 Kb. 9
The DOS ColorSpace Error Fix Utility Package:
fixes Cs9,Cs6 etc. of the Acrobat Distiller
and Reader compatibility(Nov 2001) 
207 fixt141.dsk 10-07-1999 834 Kb. 67
FIXT141  DSK FixPak Tool Diskette 3.50"  (requir
ed by WR08620) 
208 04-08-2000 718 Kb. 9
Warp Server for e-business(Aurora) FixPak XR_E00
1 Addition (August 2nd, 2000) 
209 14-12-1995 20 Kb. 10
VisualGen - New ERAD function hints file 
210 25-01-2003 100 Kb. 11
A fix of FTPAPI.DLL for TCP/IP v4.3(Dec 27 2002) 

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