File index of OS2SWBBS: Other Fixes & Patches from IBM page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 23-04-2002 686 Kb. 13
Corrective Service Facility 2-B v1.44(Apr.,
18th 2001) 
122 10-06-2003 35 Kb. 12
A fix of CSO45API.DLL(Apr 16 2002) 
123 18-04-2003 3 Kb. 10
A fix of CSOTCP_U.EXE - internal: 5639-G97 4.0
0000 CSOTCPS.EXE(Mar 22 2002) 
124 10-06-2003 4 Kb. 12
A fix of CSOTCPUI.EXE - internal: CSOTCPS.EXE
(Mar 22 2002) 
125 ctc012.lst 16-01-1996 99 Kb. 83
C Set++ CSD CTC012 fix list. Description of
fixes included in C Set++ CSD CTC012. This file
is also included in 
126 20-12-1995 2591 Kb. 12
C Set++ Version 2.1 Compiler CSD CTC012. C Set++
CSD CTC012 binary file. This fix applies only
to C Set++ version 2.0. Use the provided service
.exe program to install. 
127 ctc308.lst 18-08-1997 77 Kb. 80
VisualAge C++ for OS/2 Version 3.0 Corrective
Service. Compiler Group (Informal) Listing. 
128 29-07-1997 8594 Kb. 13
VisualAge C++ for OS/2 Version 3.0 Corrective
Service. Compiler Group (Informal). 
129 ctd308.lst 18-08-1997 1 Kb. 74
VisualAge C++ for OS/2 Version 3.0 Corrective
Service. Documentation/Samples Group (Informal)
130 29-07-1997 4762 Kb. 15
VisualAge C++ for OS/2 Version 3.0 Corrective
Service. Documentation/Samples Group (Informal). 

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