File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 13-03-1999 747 Kb. 10
E-Racer/2 manual in PDF format. 
92 06-05-1993 12 Kb. 11
DFree is a command-line utility that displays
free space information for all of the partitions
it finds.  It calculates total space as well
as total free space and graphs each partition
as a percentage of total free space (text-graph)
93 10-07-2000 868 Kb. 11
Display File Systems; FDISK, HPFS, FAT, NTFS,
undelete.  Display and analyze file systems
HPFS, FAT(32), NTFS, partitions (FDISK, SETBOOT)
, undelete for HPFS and NTFS. A text-only utilit
y for analyzing and sometimes fixing disk proble
94 14-02-2003 1020 Kb. 11
DFSEE v5.10 - Display File Systems FAT,  HPFS,
 NTFS, JFS with  analyse and managing for OS/2
and DOS(Jan 15 2003) 
95 27-03-2003 20 Kb. 11
The DF utility to display statistics on disk
volume usage(Aug 5 2001) 
96 05-08-2000 23 Kb. 11
Yet another command line free space utility. 
97 17-09-1992 37 Kb. 11
Directory List and File Find V1.00 (32 bit).
Searches across multiple disks. In mode 0 output
matches DIR with additional selection and inform
ation options. In mode 1 output matches RexxUtil
SysFileTree and more. Free. 
98 01-07-1992 37 Kb. 11
Global Change Directory V1.01 for OS/2 2.0.
Similar to Norton NCD (without graphics)  but
uses a single index for all hard disks. Free. 
99 13-01-1990 17 Kb. 11
Unix ascii file compare for os/2 
100 07-03-1999 84 Kb. 11
Directory Differ 1.4 (Compare Directories) 

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