File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 09-01-2000 13 Kb. 10
A tool to copy(replace) a locked (used) DLL
(similar function like REPMOD.EXE). 
62 28-01-1999 40 Kb. 9
CRC32 v99.028 Creates a database of CRC 32 calcu
lations for the files you specify and allows
you to compare these at a later stage to report
the changes. It is possible to automatically
create lists of changed files. 
63 crlist.cmd 08-02-1997 12 Kb. 103
Create a filelist of the OS/2 CD-ROMs v1.00.
REXX program creates a list of all files in
a given  directory tree (e.g. E:\OS2IMAGE on
the OS/2 installation CD-ROMs). 
64 17-12-1995 18 Kb. 11
By dropping a file or folder, opens an OS/2
Command Window with working directory preset
to that of the dropped file/folder. 
65 05-08-2003 260 Kb. 13
CSSDIR is a versatile, flexible and very POWERFU
L directory/ filesystems analyzing and searching
tool for eComstation.  Search by file dates,
sizes, ea sizes, text strings. Compute files
crc, ea crcs, exclude/include by file suffixes,
66 18-08-2003 263 Kb. 11
CSSDIR is a versatile, flexible and very POWERFU
L directory/ filesystems analyzing and searching
tool for eComstation.  Search by file dates,
sizes, ea sizes, text strings. Compute files
crc, ea crcs, exclude/include by file suffixes,
67 29-08-1997 26 Kb. 11
Converts uppercase file names to lower case
and vice versa 
68 23-04-1998 2 Kb. 12
ConvertEOL 1.0 Alpha - freeware end-of-line
(EOL) converter. 
69 26-05-1989 18 Kb. 13
Colorful double directory for protected mode. 
70 26-05-1989 83 Kb. 12
Double Directory for OS/2, misc. util 

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