File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 42

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
411 28-09-2002 43 Kb. 8
RCP v1.1 - The remote file copy. EMX runtime
is required. Source is included(Nov 19 1996) 
412 rcsort05.exe 20-06-1996 202 Kb. 17
RC's version of SORT, which handles more than
64k. Dual-mode FAPI, as well as dos-extender
 and windows versions. (self-extracting)  
413 11-09-1994 6 Kb. 8
Renca3e. Renames files to same name but all
upper, lower or mixed case. Includes source. 
414 05-05-1989 6 Kb. 8
Rename subdirectories (van Wingerden) 
415 20-02-1990 5 Kb. 8
Rename directories 
416 15-03-2000 0 Kb. 8
Searches drive x: for instances of files named
y, replaces each y with the y that you pass
as an argument. 
417 28-01-2000 16 Kb. 9
A clone of the UNIX RM utility. 
418 26-11-1994 2 Kb. 10
Remove DELETE directory on specified drive.
Can be placed in STARTUP.CMD using FOR loop. 
419 17-01-2003 76 Kb. 8
A PM utility to remove directories(Sep 7 1998) 
420 14-06-1995 19 Kb. 8
RememberPath 95/06/14. RememberPath helps manage
paths. Save paths under a short name & call
them by this name. Also can go back in path-hist
ory. Able to manage 100 paths & can use it in
batchfiles. Useful in network-enviroment. 

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