Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
381 | | 29-01-1997 | 91 Kb. | 7 | Deleted files recovery program. |
382 | | 27-02-1991 | 53 Kb. | 7 | OS/2 HPFS/FAT Unerase. This one was here before but was removed at IBM's request. It's back now since it's been re-posted on IBM's BBS. Files dates 2-27-91. |
383 | | 31-10-1995 | 174 Kb. | 7 | Phoenix/2, undelete for FAT and HPFS. |
384 | | 06-10-1996 | 62 Kb. | 8 | PATCHIT v96.280 Used to "patch" files rather than distribute the whole thing. There are two utilities included. MAKBUILD.EXE compares the current and previous version of a file and creat es a much smaller 'patch' file. |
385 | | 10-06-1994 | 26 Kb. | 9 | PM Attrib 1.0 for OS/2 2.x - A PM Drag and Drop Attribute filter. This copy does NOT contain VROBJ.DLL required to run. |
386 | | 28-08-1997 | 379 Kb. | 7 | PM Attribute editor shows and modifies file/dire ctory attributes. |
387 | | 31-07-1997 | 319 Kb. | 8 | File watcher (with checksums). PM CHECKSUM v1.3 tells you when a file on your harddisk has changed and provides a means to check the authenticity of files. |
388 | | 31-08-1994 | 96 Kb. | 8 | PM Control Center v1.2 - two user defined "butto n bars"; program launching; file listing/printin g/finding and maintenance; |
389 | | 04-01-1998 | 1684 Kb. | 7 | A PM interface for Tarmo Toikkanens CCopy (a fast file cleaver/mover/copier) for OS/2.PMCCopy is freeware whilst CCopy is shareware. |
390 | | 23-04-1996 | 45 Kb. | 9 | PM Directory Enforcer ! v2.4 a 32-bit multi threaded utility for comparing directories. freeware. |