File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 36

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
351 03-08-1995 2 Kb. 7
NO allows you to run a program on all files
not matching the wildcard you supply on the
command line. 
352 30-08-1996 429 Kb. 7
The Emperor Norton Utilities is a collection
of humorous text programs. Source included. 
353 25-04-1988 21 Kb. 7
A Bound directory listing program. 
354 06-12-1993 398 Kb. 8
Shareware version of the program OS2TREE. Displa
ys graphical representation of all drives. Power
ful file manipulation tool. 
355 29-04-1995 420 Kb. 7
OnScreen/2, shareware fileviewer, v2.11. 
356 19-02-1988 17 Kb. 9
UNIX like LS pgm for OS/2 protected mode 
357 25-07-1998 448 Kb. 8
OS/2-Commander v1.24 is the final Norton Command
er clone for OS/2. Offers integrated archive
handling, HPFS-support, a user-definable menu,
a Tree-function, the most powerful FIND-function
you've ever seen, a DBF viewer, browser and
358 09-09-2001 445 Kb. 8
OS/2 Commander v1.28.  The best Norton Commander
Clone for OS/2. It offers an integrated archive-
handling, better HPFS-support, a user-definable
menu, a Tree-function, the most powerful FIND-fu
nction you've ever seen and much more! 
359 30-11-1995 234 Kb. 8
File- Catalog Program 
360 22-05-1994 93 Kb. 7
Completely copy one OS/2 partition to another. 

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