File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 34

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
331 14-07-1997 196 Kb. 9
Binary diff/patch utilities (english). 
332 17-12-1994 5 Kb. 9
Make Path. A command line utility that can make
directories many levels deep with one command.
Run without arguments for brief help. Free for
the using. 
333 06-02-1998 161 Kb. 8
MLRXSHL provides tools which improve the command
-line environment. 
334 16-09-1993 22 Kb. 8
MMD V2.0 (Multiple Make Directory) will create
up to 124 levels of subdirectories in one shot. 
335 24-04-1994 90 Kb. 9
Multi Media File Manager /2 Ver0.9 Plays Multime
dia Files, Copy Delete Rename Edit, More Functio
s Soon to come, Upload  
336 26-04-1999 34 Kb. 7
A feature-rich MORE command. 
337 17-12-1994 6 Kb. 8
MOV - Move files, between drives too. Move worka
like that allows moving between drives and optio
nal overwriting. 
338 05-03-1989 11 Kb. 8
OS/2 file MOVE utility.  A quick and dirty move
utility for OS/2. This Version fixes a minor
bug, and reduce size by not using fprintf. Sourc
e Code included. 
339 06-06-1988 5 Kb. 9
Another MOVE. 
340 07-10-1994 24 Kb. 9
MoveStuff (v1.6) allows you to move or copy
either aliases or home directories from server
to server (or within the same server) on a netwo
rk. Will also move cross-domain. 

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