File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 28

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
271 01-03-2003 815 Kb. 7
HFSUTILS v3.1a - The  "Hierarchical File System"
used by Macintosh PCs. HFSUTILS is a  package
for manipulation of HFS volumes. Source is inclu
ded. For DOS and OS/2(Nov 22 1997) 
272 16-06-1995 72 Kb. 8
HO's purpose is to automate tedious file operati
ons. HO is an extremely expanded version of
the batch file DO command. 
273 03-05-1996 172 Kb. 7
Scans and shows disk usage of your system on
PM, German version. 
274 28-01-1994 105 Kb. 7
Tells the user how many bytes are stored in
a directory that the user may select, and how
many bytes are "hidden" in each subdirectory
branching from the  selected directory.  This
information is presented as a pie chart. 
275 08-02-1994 110 Kb. 9
Hogger, shows disk space usage statistics by
276 08-06-1993 72 Kb. 9
Color sorted directory utility HotDIR Plus 7.3.
Work w/ FAT or HPFS. Sorts files, displays diff
type files in different colors, and has many
customizable options. 
277 05-03-1994 12 Kb. 6
Utility to defragment files on an HPFS partition
. Please read the file readme.1st prior to execu
ting this program. 
278 03-11-1999 24 Kb. 8
This program toggles the dirty bit on an HPFS
partition, which will allow OS/2 to read the
partition on the next reboot without running
CHKDSK on the drive.  This should only be used
for a good reason, of course. 
279 08-11-2000 9 Kb. 8
HPFSIMG.EXE is a tool to create an image of
a disk < 1 GB. 
280 hpfsls.zoo 07-03-1992 30 Kb. 87
A port of the Unix 'ls' program (HPFS aware).
Uncompress with ZOO21E.EXE 

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