File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities page 17

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
161 18-03-1991 43 Kb. 9
Version 2.01 of FASTDIR fancy directory display
program for OS/2 and DOS -- sort by name, ext,
date, size, etc.  
162 15-11-1995 36 Kb. 9
Find files if duplicate, changed, new, deleted. 
163 06-09-1990 30 Kb. 8
Files by Extension, OS/2 and DOS, with C src.
 List files in current directory by extension.
 Runs under OS/2, Presentation Manager and DOS,
using VIO.  With MSC 5.1 source. 
164 19-10-1996 121 Kb. 9
OS/2 Drive & Directory Information. Freeware.
 Nice OS/2 drives and directory informations
What you search, ..omitted in the Operating
system... Try It , its is free.. Greets from
Lugano. REXX support required 
165 23-08-1999 629 Kb. 8
File Browser 1.00 beta 12. File manager with
integrated web browser, graphic viewer, Netscape
plug-in viewer and WPS support. 
166 22-04-1993 38 Kb. 8
"File Commander" v0.1, an OS/2 clone of Norton
Commander.  This is a different program from
"File Commando", available here. 
167 03-12-1992 41 Kb. 7
A Norton Commander like OS/2 Textmode app. Same
functionality and same keymapping as the origina
l program. User configurable. Freeware. 
168 07-02-2000 260 Kb. 9
File Commander/2 v2.12. 32 bit text mode file
manager and shell that allows you to locate,
copy, move, delete, view, edit and execute your
files in a quick, convenient and customizable
169 01-06-1995 51 Kb. 11
OS/2-DOS File Utilities; Update FDISC2 file
info for HPFS drives only; source available
(see README). 
170 20-03-1999 10 Kb. 8
Fatcopy - Copies files/directories between HPFS
and FAT.  Converts long HPFS names to 8.3 FAT
names. Generates unique names if necessary.
Generates logfile with name mapping by default. 

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