File index of OS2SWBBS: File & Directory Utilities

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 2.cmd 28-07-1996 0 Kb. 127
Very simple drive and directory changer. No
REXX required.  Based on 2.bat from PC Magazine. 
2 10-08-1988 9 Kb. 14
DoubleDir for OS/2 
3 adu40.exe 22-02-1996 177 Kb. 32
ADU/2 V4.0 Evaluation (NEW PRICING!) 96/01/18.
Tool for file management. Demands made on such
a tool are short loading times, a short executio
n time, a low need of resources, & a range of
functions that meets the practical needs of
the user. 
4 26-02-2002 157 Kb. 15
AGREP.EXE v2.04 - An advanced file searching
utility. Original source for AIX, OS/2 and algor
ithms like Boyer-Moore included(1996) 
5 31-01-1999 4 Kb. 14
Allfolders - Set EAs of directory tree. 
6 20-10-1999 7 Kb. 13
Free OS/2 archiver tool (archive every 'x' days)
7 11-09-1999 40 Kb. 13
Attribute-Sensitive Find Utility for OS/2 Warp.
 ASF enables you to get, for example, italicized
keyword from HTML documents and text files. 
8 11-06-1999 107 Kb. 12
Assoedit.exe allows you to inspect or modify
associations set for file- and typefilters.
 You can add new associations, remove old ones
and change defaults associations.  Also, you
can add new filetypes. 
9 02-01-1999 83 Kb. 14
Attribute Manager V.0.76.50 beta. A small PM
application that allows you to easily manage
ordinary and extended attributes (.SUBJECT,
10 09-09-1989 7 Kb. 13
Change file attributes under OS/2 

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