File index of OS2SWBBS: Education & Entertainment page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 04-06-1993 109 Kb. 12
PMGLOBE, 32 bit version. Globe of the earth.
Very detailed, animated.  Highly recommended.
PM window with a globe in it which can represent
the current sunlight pattern on the earth. Updat
ed 6/4/93. 
52 17-12-1991 59 Kb. 9
This is one you absolutely have to get -- PM
window with a globe in it which can represent
the current sunlight pattern on the earth. 
Selectable views, automatically updating --
a very nice little desktop program. 
53 21-01-1993 155 Kb. 12
PM Horoscope 1.1 w/ bug fixes and enhancements
over the previous release. Features Planetary
Calculation, two astrological wheel graphs,
six popular house systems, a Heliocentric coordi
nate list, online Help and an Online Document. 
54 16-01-1996 543 Kb. 9
PMHoroscope V2.01 - A Planetary Calculator and
55 27-05-1993 191 Kb. 11
PM Chronometer is a sort of Astrological Clock.
It calculates a horoscope every four seconds
and redraws the horoscope wheel graph every
two minutes. Runs under OS/2 2.0 and up, PM. 
56 24-04-1989 21 Kb. 9
Fractal display..excellent graphics..for PM. 
57 17-09-1998 132 Kb. 10
PM-Lotto 1.1 for OS/2 (Lotterie Generator).
Supports games 6 from 37 and 6 from 49. German
and english user interface, save functions for
game sheets. FREEWARE. 
58 31-08-1994 105 Kb. 11
PmMath 2.5 is a 32bit math program designed
to let you teach your children math in grades
 1 through 9. 
59 24-08-1990 69 Kb. 11
Quote-of-the-Day Program for OS/2 PM 
60 07-04-1994 77 Kb. 8
Quote of the Day for OS/2 

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