File index of OS2SWBBS: Education & Entertainment page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 23-07-1999 83 Kb. 10
Generates random number selections for lotteries
. Source included. 
32 14-09-1992 23 Kb. 11
Flash Cards. This is a 32 bit program designed
to replace the old flash cards used in elementar
y schools. It provides addition, subtraction,
and multiplication cards. This is a GUI program,
so it is easy for all ages. 
33 18-07-1996 1 Kb. 10
Math Whiz is a test for a child's arithmetic
34 21-08-1996 2453 Kb. 12
New American Standard Bible for use with the
Codex Bible Concordance for  OS/2. Requires
Codex version 1.0 or higher. 
35 03-09-1997 72 Kb. 10
King James Bible specially marked, indexed &
annotated for people in recovery, active in
12 Step groups and those who wish to further
study the Bible for daily living. 
36 03-09-1997 110 Kb. 12
Modern Language Bible specially marked, indexed
& annotated for people in recovery, active in
12 Step groups and those who wish to further
study the Bible for daily living. 
37 25-02-1996 59 Kb. 11
Libraries for OS2DAY - OS/2 Port of TODAY, every
day reminder. 
38 25-02-1996 60 Kb. 10
Libraries for OS2DAY---OS/2 port of TODAY, every
day reminder. 
39 07-10-1993 512 Kb. 10
Online King James Bible study program 
40 03-02-1998 286 Kb. 11
Display Losung (daily bible verses) /w verses
1998 US+D v1.2.2. 

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