File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 54

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
531 03-10-1993 63 Kb. 4
WordPerfect for OS/2 macros to close/open sets
of docs automatically. New to version 3.2 is
the ability to select which files LogFiles shoul
d close during the logging process instead of
having it close all the files it logs. 
532 25-10-1989 107 Kb. 3
Marco-drive menuing_ystem for WP for OS/_ver
5.0. (Also works with DOS version.)  Most Word
Perfect menu systems are DOS TSRs.  This one
is written entirely in Word Perfect macro langua
ge an_thus r_s fine on the OS/2_P. 
533 11-06-2003 496 Kb. 4
WSedit Write&Set Editor 0.95 for OS/2. OS/2
PM Editor. CUA and Wordstar key commands, reads
and writes ASCII and Wordstar files. 
534 11-06-2003 1286 Kb. 5
Write&Set 0.95 Wordstar-compatible Wordprocessor
for OS/2, 5/2003. Contains two programs: WSedit:
Editor with Wordstar key commands, reads and
writes ASCII and Wordstar files WSformat: format
ting and printing program for Wordstar files. 
535 15-05-2002 1579 Kb. 4
WvHtm v0.64 - A tool to convert word format
to Htm - EMX is required(Feb., 2nd 2001) 
536 16-01-2003 1089 Kb. 4
wvWare v0.6.2 - A  Word 6/95/97/2000 to HTML
conversion tool - Included autoWVware rexx scrip
t for drag-and-drop. EMX is required(Nov 5 2000) 
537 15-10-1995 216 Kb. 4
Folding text mode editor with syntax _ghlightin
538 29-04-1999 177 Kb. 4 xfedor-5.0.1-os2 - X font
editor for OS/2. 
539 27-07-2000 6 Kb. 4
filter for forwarding marks - ">". 
540 25-12-1996 339 Kb. 5
Small folding text editor. 

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