File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 47

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
461 15-08-1994 74 Kb. 5
TECH-EDIT Programmers/Text Editor v2.8. Full-fea
tured, fast and powerful programmers editor.
Edits files larger than available RAM. 32 bit
version. Multi-Window, keyboard configurable,
undo, and everything else. 
462 15-08-1994 70 Kb. 6
Tech Edit ver 2.82 . latest version of a pretty
good programmers editor. needs help file from
prior version KJL 8/14/94  
463 16-05-1992 11 Kb. 4
A very small text editor for OS/2 that does
not require the Presentation Manager. Less than
4KB executable size! 
464 04-05-1999 54 Kb. 6
TextEdit v99.107. REXX program is an automated
text editor. It allows you to easily modify
files such as "CONFIG.SYS". It has not been
specifically written for "CONFIG.SYS" but does
have some specialized commands. 
465 01-06-1995 124 Kb. 5
TEDI - a general purpose text editor. 
466 21-07-1990 109 Kb. 4
Tech Editor for OS/2 and DOS v 2.5 
467 14-07-1992 81 Kb. 5
Taylor EDitor (char based) for OS/2 
468 05-11-1997 948 Kb. 4
TeXEdit provides an easy interface for LaTeX2e
environment (English version) 
469 15-02-1997 78 Kb. 5
Texinfo to IPF source converter, version 2.1. 
470 16-11-2001 94 Kb. 6
Texinfo v2.2 to OS/2 IPFC source file converter
- This tool can be used to convert Texinfo into
OS/2-Online-Help Format(IPF-Formnat). This progr
am is a modified version of Texi2roff. 

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