File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 39

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
381 04-07-1995 41 Kb. 5
HEXEDIT is a 32bit multithreaded Hex-Editor
for OS/2 2.x and Warp. HPFS, longnames are suppo
rted. EAs can be edited, as well. 
382 10-05-1994 30 Kb. 5
PM Hex Editor V1.0. Presentation Manager based
hexadecimal editor. 32 bit Application for OS/2
2.x designed to view and edit binary files. 
383 01-05-2002 13 Kb. 5
PMMORE - A program to read the standard input
device(STDIN) and displays it in a PM listbox(sa
mples: dir | pmmore or cmd | more) 
384 09-02-1997 9 Kb. 4
PM Open. the first release. Allows a user to
enter in a file name or directory and to open
the DEFAULT view for it.  Thus, entering "C:\00I
NDEX.TXT" will open that file in the default
text editor (E.EXE), 
385 14-09-2002 6835 Kb. 6
PMPDF - The  Poor Mans PDF tool use the capabili
ties of Adobe Acrobat Distiller to the OS/2
platform, with GhostScript one can create PDF's
from  OS/2 application which supports the PM
Printer interface(Dec 21 2001) 
386 12-01-1996 173 Kb. 5
A very neat little PM based editor ideal for
everyday tasks, especially designed for programm
ers. Layout vaguely derived from E* the OS/2*
System Editor. 
387 25-06-2002 367 Kb. 4
PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility
which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving
some formatting intact. It now translates iso885
9-1 character codes (windows) to codepage 437
or 850. shareware $9.95 
388 02-02-1990 12 Kb. 6
A PM file viewer.  PM File Viewer 1.0 is an
nice file browser/viewer that supports line
numbering, ASCII, decimal, and hex displays,
user-selectable fonts, and two types of tab
display (in ASCII mode, of course).  Freeware. 
389 23-04-1992 86 Kb. 5
Corrected/enhanced version (4/23/92) of PC Mag's
PM File Viewer (V9 N13) 
390 06-02-2002 17 Kb. 5
POD2IPF is a perl procedure to convert a POD
file to an IPF file(1997) 

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