File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 36

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
351 14-02-1998 2566 Kb. 6
OS2TEX (Jan 1998) installation disks 5 and 6. 
352 24-07-1993 142 Kb. 5
A port of vile 3.27 to OS/2.  Uses VIO, can
shell out, more.  Great vi replacement.  
353 26-06-1992 5 Kb. 5
Kedit macros to port 16-bit OS/2 to 32-bit.
1st handles renamed APIs and flags lines that
may require manual recoding (e.g. semaphore
and DosAlloc...). 2nd changes shorts to longs
including the variable name. 
354 p2demo21.exe 19-05-1995 974 Kb. 14
PREDITOR/2 2.1 Demo. Graphical programmer's
editor. Has all capabilities of actual product,
expires after 14 days. To install, execute comma
nd "P2DEMO21.EXE -d" in dir where will reside
355 p2docs21.exe 19-05-1995 73 Kb. 15
PREDITOR/2 R2.1 Info 95/04/28. Press release
& info sheet (in text & Word 6.0 formats) on
release of PREDITOR/2. Release adds color syntax
highlighting, detached windows & hex editing
& many improvements. 
356 26-07-1995 0 Kb. 5
Fix to allow to install correctly. 
357 p2help21.exe 19-05-1995 587 Kb. 14
PREDITOR/2 2.1 Help File. O-line help for the
PREDITOR/2 2.1 demo. Must be installed after
product is installed (see P2DEMO21.EXE). To
install, execute command "P2HELP21.EXE -d" in
the dir where editor installed (e.g. C:\CPE). 
358 24-10-1994 134 Kb. 5
PREDITOR/2 Reviewer's Guide in INF format. On-li
ne version of the PREDITOR/2 Reviewer's Guide.
This document contains tutorial-type information
guiding you through an overview of the editor's
key features and benefits. 
359 12-11-1995 639 Kb. 5
Pascal to HTML Converter v0.1.0 (convert .pas
to .html). 
360 20-09-2002 9 Kb. 4
A SRE-http pre-reply REXX procedure that strips
CRLFs, unused spaces, and comments from outgoing
HTML documents, for selected clients. 

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