File index of OS2SWBBS: Editors & Browsers page 23

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
221 29-10-1988 27 Kb. 5
Two simple filelist programs hex and ascii 
222 04-09-1999 331 Kb. 6
Viewer files any length in text, hex, code(P-III
).  Pentium-III(R) dis/assembler; support NE,LE,
LX,PE; include utility for detail dump NE-,
LX/LE- modules; include dos-utility for split/jo
in dual executable files (MZ,NE,LX,LE,PE) 
223 25-06-2002 2128 Kb. 6
Hotmetall - A free professional SGML editor,
especially for HTML files as WIN-OS/2 applicatio
n(March 1995) 
224 11-10-1998 31 Kb. 5
Ht2sp - Reads text from a file, replaces all
tabs in this text by the appropriate number
of spaces to preserve colum_alignment, and
writes the resulting text into another file. 
225 02-09-1995 31 Kb. 6
HTMEPM98.ZIP (HTML Extensions for EPM) Version
226 09-05-1998 117 Kb. 4
HTML to IPF compiler. HTML fo IPF compiler for
OS/2. (FREEWARE) Compiles HTML sources into
the IPF format. See the readme for details. 
227 16-02-2002 99 Kb. 6
A compiler to convert HTML format to IPF format
as v1.3. Pictures of the source will converted
to OS/2 BMP files.See:
jdekeij/htmipf.html(May, 6th 1999) 
228 23-04-1999 116 Kb. 7
HTML_TXT is a powerful HTML to text converter.
Supports UL, OL, and DL lists; nested tables
with auto-sizing of columns; hierarchical displa
y of Hn headers; FORM elements, and more. Writte
n in REXX, it also runs under Regina REXX. 
229 02-06-1995 15 Kb. 6
HTML Extensions for EPM (Version 0.95) 
230 01-09-1997 84 Kb. 5
EPM macros for HTML editing with drag & drop
of images, URLs, HTML files. 

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