Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
151 | | 10-11-1995 | 190 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/macro support, write EPM macros in C. |
152 | | 10-11-1995 | 37 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/macro support, control EPM via DDE samples. |
153 | | 30-04-1996 | 536 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/macro support, E tookit DLLs. |
154 | | 21-05-1996 | 124 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/macro support, help for EPM. |
155 | | 06-03-1999 | 14 Kb. | 6 | Epm and html and Gismo bar. Launches Gismo, html Browser with current open file, html highli ghting, etc. |
156 | | 26-12-1996 | 61 Kb. | 6 | Key redefinition enhancements for EPM. |
157 | | 16-05-1996 | 378 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/macro support, standard .ex macros. |
158 | | 21-05-1996 | 34 Kb. | 6 | EPM update/amcro support, EPM 6-only macros. |
159 | | 22-10-1995 | 62 Kb. | 6 | PGP for EPM. Add-in macro package for EPM puts a more or less complete PGP menu on action bar of EPM editor. With doc & source. Not to be mistaken for a real solution from developers, but easier to use within GC than a separate PGP front end. |
160 | | 20-01-1995 | 3 Kb. | 6 | PL/I Syntax Highlights Keywords for EPM 95/01/21 . The file EPMKWDS.PLI contains the keywords fo the PL/I language in a format that allows them to be highlighted by the OS/2 Enhanced Editor, EPM. Can be customized to any user's tastes. |