File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 32

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
311 23-04-1999 23 Kb. 7
High Resolution Timer Driver v1.1. 
312 i2o.exe 25-11-1998 45 Kb. 7
I2O (Intelligent I/O Architecture) driver for
OS/2. (for I2O SCSI cards) 
313 12-08-1997 13 Kb. 7
I2O (Intelligent I/O Architecture) driver for
314 19-07-2002 16 Kb. 6
The I2O storage and transport driver enables
the DASD(OS2DASD.DMD) to work in an IRTOS enviro
nment with the I960 processor. For OS/2 Warp
3.0+ (Nov 1 1999) 
315 i2ol.exe 25-11-1998 51 Kb. 9
I2O (Intelligent I/O Architecture) driver for
OS/2. (for I2O SCSI Network Interface Cards) 
316 19-07-2002 20 Kb. 7
The I2O v1.0 LAN driver. I2OXPORT.SYSas build
10.014 included (Nov 18 1998) 
317 iaaos2.dsk 04-08-1993 627 Kb. 66
IAA OS/2 dev dvr, v2.00 p/n 61g1601. 
318 iaasupt.dsk 04-08-1993 25 Kb. 65
IAA display support,v2.00, p/n61g1619. 
319 18-01-2001 33 Kb. 6
IBM1S506.ADD - The IBM adapter driver build
10.042 for ST506/IDE DASD (Jan. 2001) 
320 10-02-1994 12 Kb. 6
OS/2 device driver for the IBM 4/10 GB 4mm Tape
drive. See IBS_4GBI.TXT in the Zip file for
install instructions. Posted with the expressed
written permission of SYTRON. 

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