File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 29

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
281 07-06-2000 368 Kb. 9
( ES1869 AudioDrive OS/2 Driver
Version 2.17. 
282 14-11-1996 236 Kb. 6
ESS-1688 Sounddrivers v1.0.7. OS/2 Warp 3.x
/ 4.x Audiodrivers for ESS-1688 Soundchip -
Version 1.0.7 (includes WinOS/2 Audiodrivers) 
283 15-07-1997 314 Kb. 8
ESS-1868 Sounddrivers v2.0.1 for OS/2 Warp.
OS/2 Warp 3.x / 4.x Audiodrivers for ESS-1868
Soundchip - Version 2.0.1 (includes WinOS/2
284 14-11-1996 211 Kb. 8
ESS-688 Sounddrivers v2.0.5 for OS/2 Warp. OS/2
Warp 3.x / 4.x Audiodrivers for ESS-688 Soundchi
p - Version 2.0.5 (includes WinOS/2 Audiodrivers
285 16-09-1996 225 Kb. 9
ESS-1887&ESS-1888 Audiodrivers V 1.03.02. OS/2
Warp 3.x / 4.x and WinOS/2 Audiodrivers for
ESS-1887 and ESS-1888 - Version 1.03.02. 
286 13-04-1994 108 Kb. 8
This is OS/2 driver for ESS AudioDrive - Stereo
Magician Plus sound board. Single-chip low-cost
solution for PC Audio, up to 16-bit/Stereo/44kHz
, 5-channel mixer, 4 recording sources, etc. 
287 27-05-2002 68 Kb. 8
The ESS SOLO-1 PCI v1.17 audio driver(Aug.,
16th 1999) 
288 essos25.exe 16-08-1997 243 Kb. 13
OS/2 version 2.05 Driver updates to allow the
ESS 688 chipset to work with the Speechviewer
289 14-12-2002 176 Kb. 5
The audio driver ESS Solo1 for WIN-OS/2 (Apr
30 1999) 
290 28-01-1993 11 Kb. 8
Driver for IBM PS/2 5.25" external diskette
drive for OS/2 2.x. 

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