File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 27

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
261 28-09-1990 16 Kb. 8
DDJ code to display devices (no executable) 
262 10-07-1991 26 Kb. 9
5.25" Diskette Adapter/A Option/Device Drvr
Disk. Use DDINSTAL to install the device driver
for OS/2. Contains the Adapter Description File
(ADF) DFFA for Programmable Option Select's
Configuration Utility. 
263 01-09-1995 27 Kb. 7
DataGlance TP755 Driver / Sample Config. 
264 director.exe 15-03-1999 583 Kb. 11
IBM device driver pack update director.exe (2/18
/99) - CardBus support. 
265 09-11-1993 17 Kb. 9
IBM OS/2 2.x disk driver for Disk Accelerator
266 24-01-1995 12 Kb. 9
Beta OS/2 CD-ROM Driver for the Dolphin 8000
AT CD-ROM (Sony 33a OEM drive).  
267 15-12-1994 13 Kb. 5
Optics Storage CDROM Driver for Warp/OS2 94/12/1
5. New CDROM driver from Austin Direct Bulletin
Board for use with Warp and Optics. 
268 06-08-1993 92 Kb. 6
First came Win/TV then Warp/TV here is DOS/TV. 
269 13-03-1997 0 Kb. 8
enables digital transfer for the Pioneer DR-U10x
270 26-09-1994 68 Kb. 9
Drivers from MSR's BBS for the Backmaster tape
backup program wide beta. 

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