File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 24

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
231 07-02-1995 11 Kb. 7
Package to support PCMCIA under OS/2 Warp on
the Compaq LTE Elite 
232 06-12-2001 343 Kb. 8
The Crystal Semiconductor Corporation audio
device driver v3.11 for the SoundFusion(Tm)
PCI bus family of products (CS4614, CS4624 and
CS4280) - Nov. 2001 
233 19-06-1999 332 Kb. 8
Crystal Semiconductor audio drivers, OS/2 Merlin
and OS/2 Warp Audio and FM drivers for the CS423
1, CS4232, and the CS4236 (after downloading
the file be sure to read the file). 
234 19-06-1999 333 Kb. 8
Crystal Semiconductor audio drivers, OS/2 Merlin
for the following PCI parts: CS4614, CS4624,
and the CS4280 (after downloading the file be
sure to read the readme.txt file. 
235 18-04-2003 70 Kb. 8
The CW-USB Mass storage class driver kit v1.1(Se
p 9 2002) 
236 18-07-1992 8 Kb. 7
Driver for Cx486DLC Cache Hardware. Enable Cache
on TI and Cyrix 486 DLC upgrade chips when they
are installed in a motherboard whose BIOS does
not know how to turn on their cache. 
237 13-12-1992 2 Kb. 8
TI/Cyrix 486DLC cache enabling program. Not
needed if your BIOS can enable the cache. 
238 17-09-2002 227 Kb. 8
Dani's EIDE v1.47 driver for  Intel, VIA, ALi,
SiS, CMD, Promise, Cyrix, HighPoint, AMD, Artop,
SMSC, ServerWorks, Opti, Nvidia, National Semico
nductor, SiliconImage chipsets and more(Aug
17  2002) 
239 08-07-2003 5 Kb. 10
Daniela's NON-512 bytes/sector DASD support
filter v0.1.4(DaniN512.FLT) to access removable
media with large sectors (1024 and 2048 bytes/se
ctor) to work with other drivers which only
support 512-byte sectors(Apr 20 2002) 
240 03-06-2000 80 Kb. 8
Audio drivers for the ESS Allegro Card (ES1989). 

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