File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 21

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
201 29-11-1993 6 Kb. 8
An OS/2 device driver for the Chinon 431, 435
and 535 CD-ROM drives.  The device driver suppor
ts data, audio, single-session photo CD and
MMPM/2.  The Chinon CD-ROM drive MUST be attache
d to a SCSI adapter which is supported under
202 24-05-1995 67 Kb. 6
CL-ATAPI.ZIP 95/05/24. IDE Atapi CDrom drivers
for OS2 2.0 but works for Warp. 
203 28-06-1993 8 Kb. 8
SBPro/SB16 CDROM driver for the Creative Labs
CR521 drive in .ADD style. 
204 28-01-1993 9 Kb. 6
Version 1.13b SBP CD-ROM Drivers for OS/2 dated
205 26-11-2002 321 Kb. 7
The IBM OPL3/FM MIDI synthesis device driver
for Crystal "mode 3" audio CODECS: CS4236B,
CS4237B, CS4238B, CS4235 and CS4239(Oct 24 2001) 
206 08-12-1993 20 Kb. 8
Device driver for the multisession CM205 and
the 2x CM206 CDROM drives. For OS/2 2.1 or later
207 27-10-1993 17 Kb. 9
Phillips CM206 CD-ROM Driver (beta) 
208 14-11-1993 77 Kb. 8
Driver for Philips CM205 CDROM. Evaluation versi
on - This driver works up to 12.31.1993! The
full featured product may be bought at V.C.S
Stuttgart in Germany. 
209 21-03-1995 36 Kb. 6
Drivers for CMD640 EIDE VLB Cards 95/03/21.
These are the February '95 drivers for all VLB
EIDE cards using the CMD640 chipset. Tested
ok with Warp. 
210 17-09-2002 88 Kb. 9
C-Media v0.19 beta - The C-Media Audio driver(Au
g 9 2002) 

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