File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 12-08-2002 18 Kb. 7
A replacement of the driver USBMSD.ADD through
C1MSD.ADD v0.9.23 for the Olympus C-1 digital
camera(Jan 11 2002) 
172 18-08-2002 1931 Kb. 7
The Crystal Audio driver of CS4232,CS4237B,CS423
8B v1.8 for WIN-OS/2(Feb 24 1998) 
173 18-04-1994 33 Kb. 8
A beta level Pen for OS/2 device driver for
Calcomp tablets.   This device driver will also
support the CIC Handwriter Tablet. 
174 20-12-1996 61 Kb. 10
Fuji MO drive OS/2 driver. 
175 29-03-2002 587 Kb. 9
The ChipChat Sound card driver for Warp 3.0
and 4.0(Jan. 1th 1997) See for compatibility
and technical references: http: //www.chipchat.c
176 25-12-1993 22 Kb. 8
Apple CD-150/Sony CDU-8002 Audio Filter Driver.
This archive (original named CDU8002A.ZIP) inclu
des an OS/2 2.x filter driver which enables
audio support for Apple CD-150 (Sony CDU-8002)
used as cdrom drive for OS/2 systems. 
177 06-06-1995 6 Kb. 10
Beta driver for Teac CD55a dated 5/19/95 works
with 16 bit Teac Interface card. 
178 26-12-1994 10 Kb. 7
Teac CD55 Beta Driver 94/12/26. This is the
Teac CD 55 driver for OS/2 2.1 and Warp download
ed from Teac BBS. 
179 cd770310.exe 05-10-1997 86 Kb. 16
TP770 - CD-ROM Driver for DOS and OS/2 
180 cd770310.txt 05-10-1997 4 Kb. 71
Readme file for cd770310.exe 

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