File index of OS2SWBBS: CD-ROM, SCSI, Comm, & Misc Drivers page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 avmwm.dsk 04-12-1994 718 Kb. 93
Audiovation OS/2 Manager. Instructions: 1) Run
FIX.CMD on the Audiovation MMPM disk 2) Install
WIN-OS/2 Support (if you want to use audiovat
in w-os/2) 3) Install Mwave manager 4) Install
Audiovation MMPM. 
142 15-01-1997 1040 Kb. 10
Creative Labs Drivers for AWE32-64 
143 28-07-2002 7 Kb. 10
The Sound Blaster AWE64 Installation Under OS/2
144 26-04-1996 971 Kb. 10
Sept. 1996 Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 and
Soundblaster AWE drivers for OS/2 Warp. 
145 06-04-1995 187 Kb. 10
AZTEC Sound16A Driver for Warp  95/04/06. Works
OK some wave probs from windows down loaded
from Aztec BBS for use in Packard Bell with
sound16A sound card or Aztec Labs sound card. 
146 04-01-1996 177 Kb. 11
AZTech Sound Galaxy (Oriole) Device Driver versi
on 1.00 for Warp 3.0. Supports Waverider32 plus,
Sound 16A, Washington & Oriole family, Sound144A
M/AMSP. Designed for the 2316/2316A/2316R series
147 21-12-1994 146 Kb. 11
AZTech Sound Galaxy Basic Audio 16 Driver. 
148 16-03-1994 145 Kb. 8
AZTech Sound Galaxy Pro-16 Driver 1.00 for OS/2. 
149 06-09-1995 185 Kb. 10
AZTech Sound Galaxy Clinton-16 Drvr 1.00. 
150 05-04-2000 20 Kb. 9
Aztech SC16-3D sound card with eprom uses the
AD1816 chip, patched to run with the standard
drivers provided by Aztech or Analog Devices. 

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