File index of OS2SWBBS: DOS Programs for OS/2 Users page 18

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
171 02-02-2003 164 Kb. 14
MSD v2.11 - The Microsoft Diagnostic Utility
v2.11 as DOS application 
172 17-07-2003 2639 Kb. 15
Multimedia Album v2.3 - A program for creating
multimedia albums and which  can contain text,
graphics, photos, sounds, videos and hypertext
as WIN-OS/2 application(Jun 19 1997) 
173 25-06-2002 1511 Kb. 12
MultiView v3.38 - A viewer for Chinese(GB,HZ,BIG
5), Japanese(JIS,EUC,SJIS), Korean(KSS), Unicode
(UTF7,UTF8), and ASCII scripts. This is sharewar
e as a WIN-OS/2 application. 
174 07-06-2003 2268 Kb. 15
NetBench v4.0 as Win-OS/2 application(Sep 8
175 23-02-1996 91 Kb. 12
NetScape support under WinOS/2 (TEST VERSION). 
176 07-06-2003 516 Kb. 15
NetTerm v2.8.8 - A terminal emulator with fast
zmodem file transfers.  It can also be used
as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and includes
a built in scripting language as WIN-OS/2 applic
ation(Mar 26 1996) 
177 13-08-2000 192 Kb. 12
Desktop Enhancer for Win-OS/2. 
178 19-12-1993 2 Kb. 14
Program to emulate loading the DOS Share utility
in a WINOS2 session. Good for Word 6.0 & possibl
y Paradox & Quattro Pro  
179 20-05-2002 597 Kb. 12
The Network Printer Resource Utility(NPRU) v2.03
for WIN-OS/2(Apr., 27th 2000) 
180 05-04-1995 0 Kb. 89
21 byte Very small num lock program
(21 BYTES). Put towards the beginning of any
autoexec.bat file used by OS/2. 

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