File index of OS2SWBBS: DOS Programs for OS/2 Users page 15

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
141 20-09-2002 261 Kb. 12
The Install-Logger v3.31 - This program lists
all installations in a log file. A WIN-OS/2
application(Oct 7 1998) 
142 18-04-2003 1678 Kb. 11
An interactive diet program as WIN-OS/2 demo
143 iphone08.exe 29-04-1995 637 Kb. 33
Internet phone, talk to someone over the interne
t. (sorry but it is a windows application) 
144 01-07-2003 35 Kb. 11
The Device Indepent Seamless Display Driver
for Display 100,120,120 as WIN-OS/2 application(
Oct 26 2000) 
145 04-04-1995 2 Kb. 12
Utility programs to allow setting NumLock and
 CapsLock in a DOS session running under OS/2.
146 19-01-2003 502 Kb. 10
KINSIM v4.0 - A DOS program for analysis of
numerical methods for computer simulation of
kinetic processes of  biochemics(Apr 1 1997) 
147 11-06-2003 3302 Kb. 11
KeyView v5.16 as demo WIN-OS/2 application(Jun
27 1996) 
148 26-07-2002 86 Kb. 10
The support of Layer-3 Codec(L3CODEC) for WIN-OS
/2. TSD.DLL(DSP Group True Speech CODEC library)
is included (Apr 6 1998) 
149 04-07-2002 986 Kb. 12
A german program to print labels for chemical
materials as WIN-OS/2 application 
150 31-12-1994 3 Kb. 11
A DOS-Mode Drive Lock Utility for OS/2. Allows
DOS programs to gain direct access to disk drive
s under OS/2. Without this utility, programs
that attempt to write directly to the disk will
fail(disk editors, defragmentation utilities,

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