File index of OS2SWBBS: Communication Programs page 13

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
121 13-10-1995 862 Kb. 8
HyperAccess Version 6.0 for OS/2 Test Drive.
Download both HAOTD1_1.ZIP and HAOTD1_2.ZIP.
Unzip to an empty directory and run SETUP.CMD 
122 11-07-1996 1301 Kb. 8
HyperAccess Pro beta #2, disk 1 of 2. Stops
working 09-30-96. 
123 11-07-1996 1280 Kb. 8
HyperAccess Pro beta #2, disk 2 of 2. Stops
working 09-30-96. 
124 13-10-1989 9 Kb. 8
Disable com buffering in OS/1 1.2.  A program
to disable the Hardware buffering of the COM
ports under OS/2 1.2 This program may help if
you are unable to run TAPCIS in the DOS box
under 1.2 
125 hmidev.txt 25-11-1994 4 Kb. 84
External HMI Developer Information. This file
contains information about the process of workin
g with CompuServe's HMI (sm) software to develop
an application to access the information service
126 13-04-1994 3 Kb. 8
A modified version of MINIHOST that came with
ZOC 1.21 (latest: fixed d/l function prob).
Has some OK features. Feel free to enhance! 
127 21-03-1995 992 Kb. 7
InterCOMM v0.92, PM-based terminal program 
128 23-09-1998 68 Kb. 10
Phone cost calculator for InJoy internet dialer. 
129 17-07-1997 242 Kb. 6
InfoLog v4.3 Complete Communications Monitoring.
130 21-08-1993 1393 Kb. 10
infiMail ShareWare, an german mailbox multiport
mailbox system, developed under OS/2 1.3; Networ
king in german "z-netz" possible; background
mail distribution, editing and file transfers. 

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