File index of OS2SWBBS: BBS and FidoNet Programs page 12

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
111 18-05-1995 379 Kb. 7
UUCP/FIDO gateway ver 1.98t beta. 
112 26-02-2002 110 Kb. 7
BUED/2 v1.20 - The BBBS User Editor for OS/2(Sep
t., 9th 1996) 
113 23-12-1996 117 Kb. 6
BV Compuworks Groups - New PASCAL Door writing
unit for OS/2. 
114 27-03-1994 330 Kb. 7
Blue Wave Mail Door for Maximus/2. 
115 06-12-1995 376 Kb. 7
The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus-OS/2
Version 3.11. 
116 05-06-1994 15 Kb. 7
A News Bulletin Generator for any bbs running
a Bluewave Mail Door and that generates a Door.S
ys dropfile. OS/2 and DOS versions incl. 
117 21-02-2000 36 Kb. 7
BWREPFIX, special 8086 version, 0.63 Beta A
program to repair *.MSG reply packets that have
been mangled by BlueWave Y2K bug. Designed to
run after Bluewave has formed the MSG packet,
before it is compressed into the REP packet. 
118 12-10-1995 13 Kb. 7
Events calendar MEX for Maximus 3. Edit, add,
 delete events. $5 registration, not crippled,
 no nags.  
119 23-02-1996 171 Kb. 7
CallBack/2 v6.21p OS2 user Verifier for Max
3.x.  Now Uses Nodelist Dial Control Tables. 
120 29-10-1995 106 Kb. 7
CD Carousel V2.06a: On & Offline CD req door
for Max/2 V3. Priv/lock support. Multiline drive
s & changers. Fast Text Searches! 

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