File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Movie (AVI) Files page 5

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
41 30-07-1994 2088 Kb. 10
/bt OS/2 and IBM LAN Systems.  Tongue-in-cheek
advertisement for OS/2.  320x240, 15 fps, 17
42 03-09-1995 2193 Kb. 12
/bt Object Desktop Video Commercial (3.7MB AVI)
Pulled from SDS's WWW site. 
43 24-09-1995 2209 Kb. 10
/t Ultimotion promotional video for Object Deskt
op.  More videos will follow! 
44 01-04-1994 2546 Kb. 10
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(Workplace Shell) Approx 15 second run time. 
45 01-04-1994 2492 Kb. 10
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(Multitasking) Approx 15 second run time. 
46 01-04-1994 2028 Kb. 11
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(long file names) Approx 15 second run time. 
47 01-04-1994 2180 Kb. 10
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(drag & drop) Approx 15 second run time. 
48 01-04-1994 2582 Kb. 11
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(multimedia) Approx 15 second run time. 
49 01-04-1994 2240 Kb. 10
/t OS/2 Fiesta Bowl commercial as an AVI file.
(applications) Approx 15 second run time. 
50 os2flt.avi 12-12-1996 1491 Kb. 19
Flight over the planet of OS/2. Ultimotion AVI
file of a space craft gliding over the surface
of a (class M) planet with huge OS/2 Logos float
ing in its sky.  This is a modified ver of an
animation example that comes with NeonGrafix

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