File index of OS2SWBBS: OS/2 Movie (AVI) Files page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 16-10-1995 3434 Kb. 9
/t An Intel Indeo AVI video clip of David Barnes
showing how easy it is to customize OS/2 Warp. 
12 30-07-1994 978 Kb. 8
/t "And LANs have never been easier / Drag and
Drop"  A continuation of NOTNT15W.  320x240,
15 fps, 8 seconds. 
13 20-11-1994 1267 Kb. 10
/t Now that I have some freetime here is an
AVI file I made.  I plays under OS/2 MMPM or
Video for Windows.  I made it in Indeo 3.1.
 David Barnes 
14 30-07-1994 411 Kb. 8
/t "Gesture recognition"  320x240, 15 fps, 4
15 07-11-1993 4396 Kb. 11
/b AVI File of a Harley "A Song In Steel" from
David Barnes' presentation.  10 fps, 30 seconds.
 "Hearing is believing". 
16 30-07-1994 651 Kb. 10
/t Baseball hits.  320x240, 12 fps, 6 seconds. 
17 16-10-1995 3553 Kb. 8
/t An Intel Indeo AVI video of David Barnes
listing the hardware OS/2 Warp supports. 
18 15-03-1995 710 Kb. 8
/t .FLC movie file: 10 second .AVI file. IBM
PCC Multimedia Solutions sample movie 
19 10-04-1995 3560 Kb. 10
/t Movie file: 30 second .AVI file. IBM Warp
commercial with David Barnes: UK "Overload" 
20 10-04-1995 3798 Kb. 10
/t Movie file: 30 second .AVI file. IBM Warp
commercial with David Barnes: UK "Games" 

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