File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 21-08-1993 74 Kb. 11
GNU ZIP v1.24 32-Bit File Comp/Dcompress 93/08/1
8. Gailly's 'GZIP' command for OS/2 32-bit file
compression/decompression utility. Decompresses
UNIX compatible compressed files and compression
& decompression of '.gz' suffix gzip files. 
62 21-08-1993 72 Kb. 11
GNU gzip 1.2.4 16-bit executables. 
63 21-08-1993 74 Kb. 11
GNU gzip 1.2.4 32-bit executables. 
64 19-08-1993 260 Kb. 12
GNU gzip 1.2.4 source code. 
65 28-01-1995 102 Kb. 12
This file contains the HA archiver 0.999b, porte
d to OS/2. The archive includes the complete
sources, The original HA for DOS and the OS/2
version. The OS/2 version needs the emx runtime
DLLs, v0.9a or better. 
66 ha20999d.exe 03-02-1995 103 Kb. 17
The ultimate in file archivers is now available
for OS2 users. HA2, as of this release, is now
a self-extracting archiver. 
67 07-01-1994 166 Kb. 11
Archiver.  Slow, but better comp. than ZIP.
Best encryption of any archiver, PGP keys.  
68 20-01-2002 640 Kb. 11
IMG2ARDI v4.22 - AN ARDI builder and image conve
rter(Jan., 7th 2002) 
69 20-09-1998 342 Kb. 11
A utility to make zipfile manipulation easier.
Also includes a utility for creating selfextract
ing zips. 
70 21-03-1995 347 Kb. 10
KL-ZIP 1.07 WPS Front End for ZIP/UNZIP. KL-ZIP
is a Workplace Shell GUI interface for the FREEW
ARE ZIP and UNZIP package (included with KL-ZIP)

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