File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 22

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
211 06-10-1993 291 Kb. 9
ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT aware) - 32-bit version. 
212 17-10-1992 278 Kb. 9
ZOO 2.1 (HPFS/FAT aware) - 32-bit version. 
Requires UNZ50X32 or UNZ50X16 to unzip. 
213 zoo21e.exe 01-11-1991 318 Kb. 16
ZOO Version 2.1 ported to OS/2 by K. U. Rommel.
 Source included.  
214 12-07-1987 52 Kb. 9
Doc's for zoo program above 
215 04-04-1993 58 Kb. 10
Version 1.9 of Info Zip's Zipper.  32 bit. 
Now works with FAT partitions.  
216 20-12-1990 77 Kb. 10
Character-mode front-end for PKxxZIP2. 
217 12-11-1993 255 Kb. 10
ZIP Viewer is a program that displays the conten
ts of ZIP files. System Requirements: UNZ501.EXE
and 1024x768 resolution. 
218 08-09-1997 422 Kb. 11
32bit integrated program to handle ZIP/UNZIP
chores seamlessly requires ZIP/UNZIP (free)
from InfoZip 

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