File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities page 3

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
21 arj2_275.exe 18-02-2001 246 Kb. 16
ARJ/2 v2.75  
22 arj2r271.exe 03-04-2000 245 Kb. 15
ARJ/2 v 2.71, Russian national language version. 
23 arj2r273.exe 15-09-2000 253 Kb. 16
ARJ v 2.73 BETA for OS/2 (Russian NLV). 
24 07-04-1995 260 Kb. 10
Better ARJ than ARJ for dos, dos4gw, nt, etc
and os/2. Made by 3rd party guys in Russia. 
25 18-09-1993 282 Kb. 10
Archive Viewer, version 1.82, a 32-bit PM archiv
e viewing, file/directory maintenance and progra
m launching utility for OS/2 2.x. 
26 01-06-1996 32 Kb. 10
Rearchiver, tester, lister, archiver for OS/2
& DOS. Support from 1 to 65535 archives (OS/2)
and 1024 (DOS), CardWare 
27 12-06-1999 21 Kb. 10
This program creates small and fast Selfextracto
rs using aPLib compression library, executable
overhead nearly 1.3 KByte suitable for extractio
n from boot disk RAMFS64.IFS drive. 
28 booz.exe 14-10-1990 21 Kb. 17
OS/2 Protected Mode ZOO (test,extract, list) 
29 16-06-2002 59 Kb. 10
BUNZIP.EXE  - A tool to unpack files with bz2
30 18-01-2001 230 Kb. 12
Bzip2 v1.01 compresses files using Burrows-Wheel
er compression, and Huffman coding. Compression
is generally better than that achieved by other
LZ77/LZ78-based compressors - EMX runtime 0.09d
required (Jan. 2001) 

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