File index of OS2SWBBS: Archive Utilities

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 22-01-1994 85 Kb. 10
OS/2 PM Front for ZIP files - view file in zip
before unzipping, create directory for files
and create WPS Folder for files.  
2 15-02-1996 73 Kb. 10
PM Shell for .ZIP files. View files inside of
ZIP's by Object Association. Create directories,
start OS/2 sessions. Integrates well with the
WPS.  Free. 
3 02-11-1997 92 Kb. 11
Info-ZIP UNZIP history.  
4 03-02-2000 34 Kb. 11
Archive Converter supports practically any archi
ves types if you have appropriate archivers.
 ACVT extracts files from the source archive
and packs them into the new archive. 
5 21-10-1996 264 Kb. 11
Archive Folder v0.32 - 32-bit multithreaded
PM archive manager. 
6 16-12-1995 513 Kb. 10
Howie Weiner's great PM tool for manipulating
 compressed files with full gui methods.  Includ
es ability to virus scan them.  
7 30-09-1994 449 Kb. 11
Object oriented archive file manager for OS/2. 
8 ar002.lzh 21-11-1990 43 Kb. 80
C source code and OS/2 & DOS executables for
Haruhiko Okumra's new pedagogical archiver.
Header files compatable with Yoshi's LHx.  
9 arc201.exe 14-10-1990 58 Kb. 17
OS/2 ARC programs.  100% compatible with ARC
and .ARC files, OS2 protected mode program. 
10 02-01-1990 171 Kb. 10
ARC program with source. 

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